Physical Requirements
Before they begin school, snipers must meet a number
of physical requirements. Snipers must have 20/20 vision or vision that is
correctable to 20/20 and have normal color vision (not color blind). Snipers for the Basic Course must score 70 percent or better on each area of the Physical
Fitness Test.
Training Environment
training begins after selection to a sniper unit and ends with rotation to
another duty--even more than most warfighters, snipers are constantly training.
Much of a sniper's training is done within a unit; from their units snipers are
selected to attend official sniper schools. The scout-sniper basic course is 42
training days long, and the grueling curriculum means that graduation rates are
traditionally low.
Training Begins
The first week of sniper
school is largely about eliminating unsuitable candidates from the class. Just
being an exceptional marksman does not mean a candidate will be a sniper. Snipers
need a certain mental profile to be successful. They must be calm, patient,
observant and be willing to pull the trigger when the time comes, among other
attributes. Much time the first week is also spent on navigation, firing
weapons on the practice range and learning the basics of stalking.
Basic Sniper Skills
The next three weeks are spent learning a host of
other skills needed to be an effective sniper. The candidates are trained on
how to recognize a target, the ability to observe and record enemy movement,
how to call in mortar and artillery strikes as forward observers, and
communication techniques. During these weeks, the candidates are constantly sent
out on training stalks, both day and night. The teaching cadre increases the
workload and difficulty for the students more and more as each week goes by.

Other Training Areas
Proper use of radio communication equipment is also vital to snipers. A
rifle can be used to eliminate select targets but a radio allows the sniper
team to provide timely intelligence, call for devastating artillery or air
strikes, and coordinate contingency operations. Other skills that snipers must
master include: basic demolitions, enemy vehicle identification, camera use or
field sketching, effective information gathering, target prioritization,
tactical movement, tracking and counter-ambush techniques.
The Ghillie Suit
Much of week two
training is spent on the basics of constructing a "hide," or place
from which the sniper can observe their surroundings and fire if needed, as
well as becoming familiar with the "ghillie suit." It allows the
sniper to crawl about while blending into the natural surroundings. The ghillie
suit is made of either camouflage netting or a normal work uniform. Burlap
strips are added, along with native vegetation from the area in which the
sniper will be stalking.

Physical Demands
The physical demands during sniper training are
considerable. During operations, snipers carry loads, which are often in excess
of 80 pounds, for long distances cross-country at night. They must do this
quietly and without losing their situational awareness. If a sniper becomes too
tired to continue help may be days away. Snipers must be in top shape, and must
be able to motivate themselves. A great deal of sniper training is conducted at
night, with little food, and for long stretches of time. A good sniper must
learn to overcome.
Types of Physical Conditioning
In order to prepare yourself physically to become a
sniper, you must be in top physical condition because you must be able to keep
yourself from moving too much when positioning and acquiring your target. Acquiring
a target involves seeing it through your peep hole on the sniper rifle for a
long enough period of time to take a shot.
Remaining Stationary
must prepare your body to stay in one incline or stationary position for a long
period of time; it sometimes takes a long time to acquire a target. The best
way to train yourself for this is to practice lying in the prone position, with
the left elbow extended farther out than the right elbow and the spine as
straight as possible.
Other Skills
In addition, other important types of physical control include
practicing and adjusting your eye to use the peep sight on a sniper gun, and
practicing your finger strength for pulling the trigger. In order to master
these skills, you must actually practice them with a sniper rifle.
The Final Test

MOS 0203
The Military Occupational Specialty
class 0203 is the ground intelligence program available to officers who meet
certain requirements. Applicants must be eligible for top-secret clearance and
have access to Sensitive Compartmented Information. You must complete the Basic
Intelligence Officer's Course, Infantry Officer's Course, Scout Sniper Platoon
Commander Course, and Ground Intelligence Officer's Course. Additional courses
are available and even desired.
Physical Fitness Test
A first class score is required on
the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test. This test includes performing 20
dead-hang pull-ups without releasing the bar, performing 100 crunches within
two-minutes and running 4,8 km in under 18 minutes.
Disciplinary History
Candidates must have no Courts
martial or non-judicial punishments with six months.
Swim Qualifications
Applicants must pass the
Swimming Qualification. This test includes a number of swimming challenges. You
must perform a 500-meter swim using either the side or breast stroke. You must
swim 50-meters while holding a weight out of water. This replicates the ability
to hold your gear out of water while swimming. You will tread water for
30-seconds while holding a weight above your head. All of these tests must be concluded without panicking.